Thursday, July 21, 2005

Fell off the wagon

Well it happened. I feel off the no smoking wagon. I started smoking again. I'm just like that cartoon commerical with the guy that climbs the line and fall back again.
I'm ready to give it a try again as soon as I'm done working all this overtime at the end of the month.


Janet said...

I believe I know someone who is bipolar 2. I am interested in learning more about the road to diagnosis though.

Unknown said...

Oh dear, you are smoking again. I left you a post when you weren't smoking, so here I am again. I am also bipolar, and (glory be) I quit a few months ago on the patch, but I am ALWAYS tempted to go back. Every time I am tempted, though, somebody talks me out of it, and I feel ashamed that I even thought of it. I tried smoking "the other stuff" with my sisters-in-law, as a substitution when I was on vacation, but that was a disaster. I think it doesn't work with all those bipolar meds. I was knocked out for three days! So I would recommend that way!

I am sorry you started up again. My sister-in-law who has quit for three years now says, "Just think, if you start again, you have to go through all that pain of quitting again!" Grrrrr.

Radin said...

Oh no. I counted on you so much.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we all fall down. It's how we get up and who helps us up that counts.

Anonymous said...

My mother started smoking when she was pregnant with my brother (had cravings for it). What a great time to start, eh? About 20 years down the line, she got cancer of the lung, then it traveled to her brain. The docs gave her 6 months to live. She only live for 3 more months and died at the age of 58. Mom tried many times to quite and couldn't. I've heard that this is one of the hardest drugs to get off of because it's so addictive. Wishing you success!