Monday, July 03, 2006

Feeling Good

With the current drug regiment I'm on, I feel completely "normal".
That's why i haven't posted anything in quite awhile.
As long as the meds continue to work like they are I really have nothing else to report on this blog.
If anything changes I 'll be sure to post.
Other than that, I have nothing to say


Anonymous said...

That's wonderful. May this feeling go on forever.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you're feeling so well! If you ever have an extra time, maybe you could visit some of the blogs in our webring? There are so many we have now, 62, and some people are really down. We both know how wonderful support is. I hope you'll have some extra time to check them out.

Unknown said...

I think it's wonderful you feel so well! I think when you're feeling well, it's important to blog at that time too, so that when you start feeling "not so well", you can look back at your blog for triggers or see when the symptoms first started. What do you think?

Maggs said...

Great-glad to hear it!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say HI :)

Unknown said...

It's nice to read that your health became stronger!

mcdonalds nutrition calculator said...

Creative writing.