Thursday, April 28, 2005

Don't forget to take your medicine...

I was really sick feeling yesterday. Felt like dying there for awhile. Today I realized that I din't take my med cocktail because I had slept longer than usual (+3hrs more). Got my meds back in me today and I started feeling better rather quickly. Maybe just a placebo effect or I really was having withdraw symptoms.

Makes you wonder- how much of any pill works because you believe it will work ?

As many times as I have stopped taking anti-depressants over the years I can tell you that they work, because I always get more depressed without them. (or is it a placebo effect -LOL)


Josh said...

I get the same way. I always take my meds before bed. Usually towards bedtime I feel a little restless and uneasy. Then when I take all my meds, and they kick in, I feel better.
I take Celexa, Inderal, Clonazepam, and Restoril. Usually not all at once but I take them in some combination or another every day.

heatheragarcia said...

Do you really feel better with the meds? I could not take them. They did orrible things to me. I am fighting my battle with out them.


BipolarTwo said...

The meds have made a huge differance in how much better I feel

Anonymous said...

Wow, yeah, what do you do when you over sleep and it just throws everything off? I have had some horrendous back pain and I have been sleepping in sometimes forgetting my meds until later and it is not even pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very true, I'm not myself with out my morning meds and I'd stay up all night and crash afternoon with out my night meds. PS it's 2011, where did everyone go?